Saturday, October 25, 2008

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow and So on

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow and So on
exasperation, your breath being sucked out of you
cold air stiffening your every step
running home fighting every second
adrenaline, your only friend
voice cracking hands shaking lips clenched tight
words rattling your brain, memories of conversations
eternally embedded into your subconscious mind
ugly things your mother said when you were young
words you could never shake
words that you became, just because you hate them so much
passion swarming in your blood
a house for your love
an outlet for creativity
your feeling yellow but so much that even the air feels wary of its existence
the stains on your fingers from smoking become more evident
the sanctuary you used to know now just a dream
the beauty you used to see now just a picture
a smile on your face somehow brings me down
shouldn't this work the other way around?
chatterbox laughing at a joke i used to know
i listen but am blank, just watch the moment go
they are good friends yes they warm my thoughts
swarming around, why is my stomach in a knot?
i choke out a half hearted laugh
maybe even smirk
inside i feel such wrath
i feel like such a jerk
witty and smug they are cozy and loved
never would touch a drug
i'm standing here right next to them
thoughts troubled with sin
they are laughing, smiling when
i feel i'm outside looking in.

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow and So on...

exasperation, your breath being sucked out of you
cold air stiffening your every step
running home fighting every second
adrenaline, your only friend
voice cracking hands shaking lips clenched tight
words rattling your brain, memories of conversations
eternally embedded into your subconscious mind
ugly things your mother said when you were young
words you could never shake
words that you became, just because you hate them so much
passion swarming in your blood
a house for your love
an outlet for creativity
your feeling yellow but so much that even the air feels wary of its existence
the stains on your fingers from smoking become more evident
the sanctuary you used to know now just a dream
the beauty you used to see now just a picture

a smile on your face somehow brings me down
shouldn't this work the other way around?
chatterbox laughing at a joke i used to know
i listen but am blank, just watch the moment go
they are good friends yes they warm my thoughts
swarming around, why is my stomach in a knot?
i choke out a half hearted laugh
maybe even smirk
inside i feel such wrath
i feel like such a jerk
witty and smug they are cozy and loved
never would touch a drug
i'm standing here right next to them
thoughts troubled with sin
they are laughing, smiling when
i feel i'm outside looking in.

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Day I Left Accenture...

Thursday morning October 16th was my last day at Accenture. My gosh I didn't know resigning was much harder than applying. I had to go to different offices just to have my clearance signed. Haay so tiring.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Leaving Very Soon...

My Flight to Vegas was cancelled on the 22nd of November to the 15th of November instead. haay... this is just a test thingie but the flight schedules are correct! Have a good day to all.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Thoughts of Dating

My friends would always say that I'm such a good catch. But recently, I'm finding that harder and harder to believe (only because recent dates seem to be proving to me otherwise). Sometimes, I can't help but think if there's really something wrong with me or has all the good men (gay or straight) become really that hard to find? 

In our never-ending search for happiness, we date and date to try our luck on this game. And while we try to make a good first impression, there are really times when there's just no connection. So what does it take to make not just a good first impression but to make a lasting one? 

When you meet a person for the first time in a date, there are certain rules that you follow. Here’s mine:

1. Prepare for your date but don't be over the top. Find out where you're going and dress appropriately. Don't wear an evening gown or a tux if you're just going for coffee or a movie. You don't want to intimidate the other person that much. Be comfortable on what you're wearing. Feeling good on what you're wearing always gives you more confidence.

2. Good Manners are always a must. Remember the things you were taught in school, Good Manners and Right Conduct. Don't curse or say inappropriate words and remember to say 'please' and 'thank you'. Nothing beats an educated person. After all, no one wants to hear the word SH*T or F*CK in every other sentence. 

3. Talk about things you may have in common. Find that connection and start a nice conversation. Never talk about your EX's. No one wants to hear about it. That's why they are called, EX's -- they should remain just that. Don't talk about work; it's not a job interview. 

4. Be confident (but don't overdo it). Over-confidence can be misunderstood as arrogance. If you're too shy, then try to open up a little. Don't clam up. Loosen up a bit. 

5. Don't talk too much. Learn to listen and don't talk about yourself as if you want to reveal everything in one blow. Keep a little mystery. And don't ask too many questions. Especially inappropriate ones like, "What's your favorite position in bed?" Reserve that for the the 5th, 6th, or 10th date… if you get that far. 

6. Be honest. No one likes a liar.

7. If you don't see the date to be going anywhere, have the courage to say so. Don't just stay there and endure the torture but if you can then at least let the date finish and be on your separate ways. Try your luck on the next one. 

8. Keep the friendship. Don't feel bad if one did not like the other. It happens. You don't expect everyone to have the same feelings, right? So if you don't like the person or that person doesn't like you, remain friends. She/he might have another friend she/he could refer to you. Keep your network open. 

9. Don't assume. Don't play the guessing game. Most likely, if there's a connection you don't even have to ask if the fondness is mutual. You'll go out again for sure. 

10. Don't end on a bad note. Make sure you thank the other person for the company and the time. You did make an effort for this date after all. 

Mind you, I do not claim to be an expert on dating. These are taken from my experiences and you're welcomed to share your own little DO's and DON'Ts on the matter. I've had my fair share of mishaps on dating. Stories you'd probably die laughing when you hear. But let me reserve that on future blog entries. 

A date is an opportunity for you to meet someone. Meeting a person that could be your future lover, husband/wife, partner, or even friend, it doesn’t have to be too complicated. Remember, it's just another person you're meeting, so don't pressure yourself if it doesn't work. Throw back the fish and let's catch some more. Sooner or later, you might just end up catching the biggest fish at sea.