Monday, December 11, 2006

Rainy Sunday...

I woke up late today, I was freezing because of the A.C. and plus it was really raining hard due to the typhoon. Tomorrow is Monday I hope it doesn't rain, I dont want to get wet wearing my corparate attire.
Yesterday morning I went to the office to time in and filed an official business form. Then drove to my Mom's house at South Forbes in Sta. Rosa laguna, to attend the party of my niece Nicia. It was so much fun but when evening came. Marcus called asking me if I was going to his party at sequia and asking me for my guestlist because they're really going to be strict at the door because they dont want any gate crashers. I couldn't really think about anyone to invite. I told Marcus to just put in Carlo and Ian if ever they decided to come.
I want home at 10pm. thinking that its not traffic because it was late. But unfortuantely it was... There was an accident at South express way going to manila. Grrrr usually if i drive home from Laguna it normally takes me an hour and a half, but this one it took me forever.
I got home at 12:30am. As soon as I got to my room, Jasper called asked me if I was still going to Marcus's party... I said that I couldn't anymore cos was soooooo tired from the traffic.

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