Sunday, June 3, 2007

My Crashing Moments...

Often times we ask ourselves, how am I not getting someone to love me...

Why are others so fortunate in easily finding the right person for them? Why are there people confused on who to love when others dont have anyone who will love them?...

Its really bothering when around you are people who are contented and happy with whom they have... And you... ALONE... You have none...


Anonymous said...

Years ago I came across a this well-written and heartfelt piece in PDI's Youngblood column. One paragraph in particular really grabbed me so I clipped it from the newspaper and I carried it around in my wallet. I find myself going back to that clipping once in a while. Here's what it contains:

"...Until God sends me my angel on earth to love and cherish forever, I will be content to be alone. I have learned to swallow my loneliness like a bitter pill, hoping that my good behavior will make fate smile at me and say, 'Here is the one for you. Live happily ever after, your name is written on his heart.'"

Hang in there my friend. You're not alone. :)


Corin Bay said...

Thank you very much for this... I'll remember this.

Anonymous said...

You are never alone babes. Your friends are always by your side.

Just accept what you have. Some day you are going to meet that person. Might not be today but one of these days you will.

I'm with you all the way. You know that!


Anonymous said...

dearest charles friend,

do not be bothered by the love people experience with each other. for living in love is not just about being with someone but being with people who are love.

you are love. you are complete.

being with someone complements what you already have.

do not fear nor be sad when you feel you don't have somebody.
feel that you are loved especially when you are with friends and family. we love you a lot.

as for that special guy... he'll come at a time and s place where you least expect it.


Corin Bay said...

Thank you very much cris...